Start an Atlantic Windshield Repair Franchise. Windshield repair is a no-cost service to most customers because insurance companies waive deductibles and pay for windshield repairs directly. Windshield repair is a rapidly growing Industry, which saves the insurance companies millions of dollars a year in windshield replacements. With just a little training and practice anyone can learn to repair automobile windshields. You too can join this lucrative, and fast growing Industry by becoming an Atlantic Windshield Repair Dealer. The start-up costs are very reasonable, all other fees are based on you making money, and we will show you exactly how to do it! Atlantic will guide you through the world of Insurance Networks. We file all necessary contracts for you. We connect you directly with the Insurance Companies' Database so they can send you jobs. All jobs can be checked and tracked directly from our web site. You can see instantly how many jobs you have done; when they were done; and who did them. Recall data on any job any time.